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Vitamins to Improve Women's Health for Hair Regrowth

30-01-2020, 15:59

If you're noticing your hair getting a little lackluster and thinning, it could well be because you are not getting enough of certain good for the hair vitamins. It can happen to women has the get older or after periods of stress or illness. These vitamins are essential for overall women's health, especially for clear skin and strong nails and healthy shiny hair. Here's what to load up on if you are looking for positive changes in the state of your locks.
Vitamins to Improve Women's Health for Hair Regrowth

Vitamin A

Cells can’t grow without vitamin A, and any deficiency will affect your hair first. It’s the fastest growing tissue in your body but without enough vitamin A, hair quickly becomes dull and brittle as glands are unable to produce enough sebum, the oily substance responsible for moisturizing the scalp and keeping your hair healthy. You can get vitamin A from eating spinach, pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes and kale. These provide beta-carotene that the body uses in the production of vitamin A. Although vitamin A is critical for healthy hair, too much can  contribute to hair loss. If you are unsure about how much to take, it’s best to consult a professional.


Biotin is the most important B-vitamin to prevent hair loss. Many studies have confirmed that biotin deficiency is likely to contribute to hair loss. Anyone can benefit from biotin supplements, but you see quick results if you're deficient. You may also have to take other B-vitamins to promote red blood cell production to carry nutrients and oxygen more efficiently to the scalp to promote hair growth.
Other than taking supplements, you can also get a good dose of B-vitamins from almonds, whole grains, fish, meat, and dark, leafy greens.

Vitamin C

You may end up losing your hair when you do nothing to prevent free radical damage, and that's probably the reason why many people undergoing cancer treatment lose hair too. Increasing vitamin C intake as an antioxidant helps prevent the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Without enough vitamin C, your body won't be in a position to produce collagen, the protein needed for healthy hair. Your body also requires vitamin C to absorb iron, an important mineral for hair growth.

Another Alternative

If you don't get results taking a multivitamin and your diet isn't the problem, consider trying alternative treatments, such as laser hair regrowth (LHG). Used correctly, LHG helps re-growth by increasing the size of the follicle. Laser systems also seem to help slow down hair loss even while undergoing chemotherapy.
Although it’s always better to improve vitamin intake by improving your diet, LHG is a viable and ultra modern alternative. Not only does it use light to stimulate the hair follicles into new growth, it works to strengthen the remaining hair and improve its overall condition which reduces ongoing hair loss. It’s also safe technology that is easily available, and if you wish, it's easy to use in the privacy of home.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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