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How the Bible Can Help You Strive in Life

18-02-2020, 13:25

How the Bible Can Help You Strive in Life

Life is a journey that’s full of ups and downs. Most of the time, people often experience the good side of life. Some people live a happy childhood, go to school, have a proper education, get a good job, and start a family of their own. It may sound simple, but that path,which is taken by a lot of people is often difficult.

Sometimes,we think that the people who are laughing, the people who are rich and beautiful, are enjoying life to the fullest. They might been joying themselves, and sometimes, we can’t ignore the fact that we feel envious towards them. What makes them special? Why do they get all the blessings in this life?

It’s normal to ask these types of questions, especially if life isn’t going your way. Again, life is full of ups and downs. For some of those feeling the downside of life, the burden can be too much. Trials will appear out of nowhere, which can often lead to giving up. When that happens, people often become astray, ending up more miserable than before.

If you think that you or someone else is going through a tough time in their life, always remember to read the Bible. Alternatively, you can also visit and other sources online to help you. There are countless examples inthe Bible of how people, through the help of God, strive towards success amid impossible and dire situations.

Here are some verses and a story on why you should strive in life, despite the difficulties you’re facing right now:

1 Corinthians 9:24-25

“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.”

In the book of Corinthians, particularly the verse mentioned above, God wants us to know that every race in life has a prize waiting for us at the end. Of course, we have to work hard to get that prize, hence “Run in such a way that you may win.” Is God telling us to cheat so we can get to that goal no matter what? Of course not. God wants us to win by doing it the right way, no shortcuts, just His guidance, and your will.

Believe it or not, the verse even tells us to rest if the race gets tough. “Self-control” is a word that has a lot of meanings for some people. Some see it upfront, with the words meaning “not to cheat” or “doing it the right way.” However, self-control also means that we should preserve ourselves and not forcibly push our way towards that goal.

If the going gets tough and you feel a heavy burden, God wants you to pause. Reflect on your journey. He also wants you to talk to Him, relieve some of the weight on your shoulders, and leave it up to Him.

2 Timothy 2:5

“Also, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he competes according to the rules.”

Alot of people often lose faith when they see evil people becoming successful in life. They think of it as being unfair. Most of the time, seeing someone not worthy of being successful eats people up and makes them jealous.

2 Timothy 2:5 reminds us that competing according to the rules is the only way to win the prize. Therefore, people should always tell themselves that fame and fortune aren’t the ultimate prizes in life. Evil people might be rich and famous because of their ways, but a person who does everything fair and by following God’s will, are the ones who will win the greatest prize in life.

The Book of Job

Asmentioned earlier, there are situations where men and women break down because of the trials in life. These trials are too heavy and often lead people to ask if it’s even part of God’s plan forthem. The answer is yes, as God never puts people into something they can’t overcome.

Let us remember Job, a wealthy and successful servant of God. In his life, Job was tested with problems that no human could possibly overcome. From riches, he became one with rags. Every miserable thing happened to him. His live stock died along with his children. Job was covered in painful blisters all over his body.

And in the ultimate attempt to disgrace him, his wife, the one who was supposed to support him, lambasted him for believing in God. Did Job ever disparage God from giving him these trials? Of course not! Job knew that everything in this life pales in comparison with the gifts waiting for him. He knew that everything he owned was not because of him but was because of God.

Job had no resentment to God what so ever. As God is a loving force, he went back and gave everything back to Job, tenfold. Indeed God is listening and rewards those who persevere and seek out His name.

Take away

Life is a struggle, regardless if we’re successful or not. The important thing is that we look back and remember how God helped us. Without His guidance and blessing, we simply would not be able to conquer our trials. The verses and the story of Job mentioned above serve a good reminder of how God never leaves out people who are kind and know of His love.


DarshanShah is a young entrepreneur, digital marketer and blogger. He’s founder of and providing Digital Marketing services like SEO, Guest Blogging, Inbound Marketing and many more. He loves to help people to grow their business worldwide through his digital marketing knowledge. He’s enthusiastic about creating blogs and writes creative content for the readers.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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