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Ways to Protect Your Customers and Their Personal Information

14-03-2020, 12:38

Ways to Protect Your Customers and Their Personal Information

Your customers are the reason your website becomes a success and without them, you may find that you lose revenue and aren't bringing in the unique visitor hits that you want. One of the most important things that can turn away potential customers is having their security breached in any way. If a breach is present, your clients' vital information can be in the hands of individuals who will use it against them. In turn, this causes your company to get a bad reputation, which can result in the total loss of your business. Here are some things that you can do to protect your customers and their personal information.

Log Monitoring

By utilizing Loggly - security log analysis, you are able to be alerted of a security breach while it is happening. Log monitoring essentially looks for events and unusual activity, alerting site owners of a potential problem. If this occurs, you can get to the breach right away and work on closing the gap that hackers may use to access sensitive information. These alerts can either be seen on the user dashboard or via email, text or phone call.


Encryption is a relatively easy process that will essentially protect your website's files and data. When most individuals hear the word encryption, they automatically assume it's something that is far beyond their reach. However, in layman's terms, encryption simply means protecting information on your server with a strong password. Anyone trying to access this data will need a password in order to retrieve it, which makes it more difficult for hackers to get in.

Require Strong Passwords

If your customers are able to log into your site to access an account, you need to require that they use a strong password. Strong passwords should contain a variety of numbers, letters and special characters. The stronger and longer the password, the more difficult it is going to be for hackers to get into multiple customer accounts. Requiring a stronger password can be as simple as preventing an account from being created until the user has met all of the necessary password requirements.

Keep Them Alerted

Even if a security breach has happened, you need to make your clients well aware of the situation. As a business owner, one of the most difficult things you might have to do is to let your customers know that their information was stolen during a security or data breach. While it might be distressing and while you might receive angry and frightened responses, it is your duty to let your clients know about the problem. This allows them to take precautions in checking debit and credit cards or changing passwords on other websites they might use.

Collect Only What's Needed

By asking too much of your clients when they're either creating accounts or submitting information that will be kept on your server, you're making it more likely that their data will be stolen or sold. Only collect data that is necessary to provide them with a service and avoid gathering too much that can then be used against them if a data breach occurs.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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