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PLC Devices - How They Work and Why They Are Great Alternatives to Traditional Relay Systems

8-04-2021, 11:32
1 129

A PLC device, or programmable logic controller, has become a staple of industrial business. It allows for the complete automation of many essential industrial processes that would otherwise require a human's decision-making. Instead of leaving room for human error, you can let your PLC make all the decisions for you.

PLC Devices - How They Work and Why They Are Great Alternatives to Traditional Relay Systems

Don't worry—this isn't the start of a Sci-Fi movie where the computers take over. It is simply a way to improve the efficiency of everyday industry operations.

How Do PLC Devices Work?

First introduced in the 1960s, PLCs' popularity has yet to dwindle due to their automation prowess.

The way a PLC device works is relatively simple. They have programmed language relevant to the industry they belong to and enact processes based on the information they receive.
For instance, a rule your PLC may abide by is ‘If condition 1 is true and condition 6 is false, enact output 14’ and so forth. You can use this for one specific action or the running of an entire production line. Complexities between PLC processes vary widely.
This automation allows for the smoother completion of tasks, meaning engineers can better focus their time and energy elsewhere.

Benefits of PLC Devices

To better illustrate their advantages, we have compiled four reasons that industrial businesses choose PLC devices to improve their overall output instead of relay logic systems. This is not an exhaustive list of everything a PLC can do, but it should give you some insight into their unique efficiency.

1. Compact Size Makes for Easier Installation

Most PLC devices fit in two hands: a far cry from the cabinets necessary for fully logic relay systems. They can easily integrate into multiple industries and warehouses regardless of the space available. Also, most PLC devices are entirely self-contained, only requiring an external monitor for reading visual data.

Relay systems, on the other hand, consist of multiple devices and a lot of wires. It isn't hard to see why PLCs are generally preferred.

2. Programming Versatility

Traditional relay systems are enormous and complex. Once installed, it can be tempting to leave them alone forever out of fear of messing up one of the many sprawling wires. For this reason, expanding them or altering their function is generally out of the question.

With a PLC, you don't need to add hardware to expand its capabilities. Simply update the program with whatever new function you require, and you are good to go. No more wire-themed nightmares are necessary.

3. Enhanced Reliability

A common problem associated with traditional relay systems is their aptitude for task failures. This is primarily due to their design, which features frequent opening and closing of relays that can become increasingly damaged through repeated use.

With a PLC, all the relay systems are in a solid state entirely managed by the operating program. They don't feature the same risks of failure after repetitive action. It means automated processes are always more reliably completed.

4. Energy Saving

It is no secret that industrial processes consume masses of energy, but that does not mean you shouldn't try to minimize the colossal output. A PLC device consumes as much as a tenth of the comparative energy required by a traditional relay system. Not only do industrial businesses save money, but they also do their part for the environment. It's a win-win!

Final Thoughts: PLC Devices

Industrial processes can be highly complex. Automation allows engineers to focus their energies elsewhere, and a PLC device is a highly effective way of implementing this. Traditional relay systems were once the only option, but now there is no reason not to take advantage of the reliability and versatility of a PLC.

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