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» » The Best WordPress Templates for Electronic Design Studios

The Best WordPress Templates for Electronic Design Studios

29-09-2022, 20:54
3 778

Being an electronic designer is not without its challenges. But no matter what you design on a day-to-day basis, you need to have a website. Your website should function in the same way as any other business website, letting people know the services you provide and the projects you have completed. WordPress is one of the easiest tools you can use for building a website, so if this is your preferred choice of platform, keep reading. We’re going to provide a list of the best templates you can use to form your site.


Jevelin WordPress Theme

Jevelin is a fully responsive, powerful and pliable theme that is ideal for all kinds of electronic design studios. It can help you to build a flawless and visually stunning site that will be the envy of your competitors, and it requires no coding knowledge at all to use thanks to its vast collection of page templates and demo designs.
Jevelin also provides a variety of blog layouts which is ideal for studios who want to let their customers know about the projects they’re working on, while providing informational tips. Show off your latest smartphone design, or provide tips on how to use Altium’s Circuit Studio to its fullest potential. There are so many reasons why this is a great theme!


Divi WordPress Theme

For designers who want to retain full customizability over their website, the Divi WordPress theme is ideal. It’s never been easier to add your signature style and make your site look like it was created by a professional. Thanks to the site’s page canvas, you can set your portfolio up within minutes, and the drag and drop editor enables you to move features around on your site and place them wherever you see fit. With fantastic security, 24/7 support, and mobile compatibility, you’ll be left wondering why more designers didn’t turn to this theme. Your electronic design clients will definitely be impressed and eager to place orders with you after visiting your site.


Sahel WordPress Theme

If your electronic design studio places a lot of emphasis on creative products, you’ll want to take a closer at the Sahel theme. This comes with a range of demos that you can quickly install so no web design experience is necessary. The best part of this theme, though, is the portfolio which you can use to push your designs to clients in a unique and interesting way.
You can also add an online store, which is useful for those who may want to sell design software or components to others in the industry. A horde of widgets, short codes and layouts also ensures that you can customize the theme to meet your exact needs. So, if you do have more web design experience than the norm, you can truly create the site of your studio’s dreams.
Every electronic designer needs their own website, and the themes above make this job as easy as can be. Let us know which theme you decided to choose in the comments.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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