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How Smartphones Are Automating the Financial Sector

31-03-2017, 13:52

Nowadays, if you can’t find your proof of auto insurance it’s no big deal as there’s likely to be an app that will allow you to download a copy.The same goes for credit cards and bank accounts. Even if you don’t own the newest smartphone, if it can connect to the web you have many options for synchronizing up with pretty much all of your financial accounts, including your retirement and even frequent flyer rewards accounts. It may be convenient for you to use a smartphone to transfer money, look at your stock trading account or pay your car insurance premiums online, but have you ever stopped to think what would happen to your online financial health if you lost your phone for even a moment? So many people are closely tied to their digital devices without fully considering how they might fare without them on a day-to-day basis.

How Smartphones Are Automating the Financial Sector

Is Smartphone Technology A Good Investment?

You don’t have to read the reports on how popular the release of the newest iPhone is to understand that investing in smartphone technology is big business. If you align yourself with the right purveyor of smartphone technology, you can make a very handsome sum. This is not to say that the smartphone technology internet of things is foolproof. A few years ago, Blackberry was a leader in the industry, and now their devices are completely outdated. Earning an online finance masters degree will aid you in understanding which smartphone companies, technologies and manufacturers are the most dynamic and have the best investment potential.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Smartphones As Financial Tools?

Because of evolving smartphone technology, there really are people who use them to complete all of their financial transactions. It is easier and more convenient to have a store clerk swipe your smartphone at the register and it can also be assumed that your financial data will be better secured. The main pushback from users who have fully harnessed their smartphones as financial tools is that a data breach could be catastrophic. Losing your smartphone would mean much more than simply getting your device replaced. You would need to change all of your passwords and settings, and even then, you could still be at risk if somebody were to be able to get into the accounts synced to your lost smartphone.

Smartphones - Replacing Currency or Science Fiction?

If you don’t want to carry cash anymore, you can already use a hand held device at many retailers to make purchases. Technology is making it possible for smartphones to replace the currency system as we know it, and the convenience of using a single tool to pay bills and schedule payments is too good to ignore. Paper money is likely to stay in circulation for a while, but who knows what will happen in the next generation.

Smartphones are tiny supercomputers that can do just as much as your standard laptop, but are placed in a much smaller package. While they’re still used to make phone calls, you are just as likely to see them being pulled out at the checkout. One day soon, they may be fully replacing wallets, car keys, identification cards, and more.

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