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How to Successfully Promote Your Blog on Social Media

20-06-2017, 00:54

There was a time when having a blog was in and of itself seen as a novel idea, but those days are gone. There are ways to monetize a blog and have it be a profitable venture, but it requires an investment of time, often a big learning curve, and also the ability to strategize and refine your tactics on a regular basis.

When people start a blog or even if they’ve had it going for a while, driving traffic is tough. Extremely tough.

How to Successfully Promote Your Blog on Social Media

One of the best ways to get people to read your content is to promote it on social media, but how do you do that?

Focus Your Efforts

Trying to advertise your blog content across every single social media platform is likely to lead to a lot of frustration.

It’s a lot better to identify maybe one or two platforms where you think your targeted audience will be most likely to connect with your content, and put a lot of effort into those limited places. Once you have a strong following, you might branch out to other platforms, but trying to do too much at one time is likely going to be difficult if not impossible.

Get Visual

So much of social media is about the visual elements you incorporate. When you’re going to be promoting your blog, create some professional-looking social media designs using templates that integrate elements of your branding.

Make sure to pay careful attention to details like the fonts, and choose only the best stock photos. On social media, a picture is worth more than 1,000 words in many cases.

Reuse Content

When you’re sharing posts on social media to drive blog traffic, don’t be afraid to go back to old content that you thought was particularly good. You can repurpose the title a bit and share it again and again over time.

That ability to keep driving traffic with the same content is why the concept of evergreen articles and posts is so valuable for bloggers and marketers.

Don’t Be a Spammer

One of the things you should focus on not doing when it comes to promoting your blog on social media is being a spammer.

First, before you share anything ask yourself whether or not your audience is likely to find it valuable, and how you would feel if someone was sharing it with you.

Also, particularly when you’re resharing content, make sure you create a schedule beforehand to avoid coming off like a spammer. You don’t want to bombard your followers with one message after another in big chunks. Try to space things out adequately.


It’s essential that you’re always monitoring your results on social media. You want to look for things like an increase or decrease in post activity, declines in content interest, or negative responses from your audience. This can be helpful not just to show you what you need to change regarding how you market your blog on social media, but can also help guide your overall blog strategy.

As a final note, don’t be afraid to pay for advertising, particularly on high-traffic sites like Facebook. This can often be one of the best ways to drive traffic quickly, but even if you’re paying for ads, you still need to make sure you’re providing smart, valuable and visual-centric content.

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