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How to Build a Website That Converts Visitors into Customers

20-09-2019, 23:26
7 248

Every business operating today needs an online presence. If that online presence isn’t being used to market the business and improve sales, it is a wasted opportunity. Your most powerful weapon in the competition for customers’ loyalty is your website. If you get that right, you’ll have no trouble sustaining a high conversion rate.

How to Build a Website That Converts Visitors into Customers

Be Clear

If you want visitors to consider using your services, then you need to make it clear to them why they should choose you over your competitors. Make sure that all your copy is simple and concise. You don’t need to demonstrate your creative writing abilities, unless that’s the service you are selling, of course, but you need to explain why the reader should choose your business over your competitors. If you overcomplicate your language, you will only make your message seem more confused. If the average reader is going to have to work to decipher the meaning of your words, they will simply move on to the next website and go there instead. You need to keep it simple and to the point.
It might help to make a list of talking points beforehand and then work out which ones are a priority. You can sell niche services while still using simple and straightforward language.

Demonstrate Value

You should be able to explain to any reader why it is that they should use your business when your competitors also exist. If you can’t think of an answer to this question, you need to do some thinking! Of course, there will always be other businesses that offer basically the same thing as you. But equally, there should always be something that makes your business unique.
Adding content to your website beyond what you need to sell your services will also show any readers that your business offers value. Not only that, but it will show that you are knowledgeable about the field you operate in. For example, check out this page about forensic cellphone imaging and what it involves. Any reader who might be interested in purchasing these services will want to know that the service provider they choose knows their stuff. Adding blog posts and articles to your website will be an effective demonstration of the value of your business.

Give Them a Reason to Keep Coming Back

Another reason to add a blog to your website, and to keep regularly updating it with new content, is that it will give visitors a reason to keep coming back to you. Of course, people who have already bought stuff from you may well come back for more. But you need to encourage as many of your visitors to keep coming back, whether they bought anything from you or not.
To this end, a blog is a very effective tool. This is a tried and tested method of both adding value to your website and enhancing your SEO score so you are able to draw in more traffic in general.
Above all else, make sure that you design your website with the user in mind. The user should always be your first and foremost consideration - if they enjoy coming to your website, the chances of you eventually selling to them are much greater.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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