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How to Build a Solid SEO Client Base

11-12-2019, 16:21

How to Build a Solid SEO Client Base

With technology growing day by day, SEO has become both a challenging and satisfying field. This can be a great means of gaining money, but to do that you must first build a solid SEO client base.
Getting noticed as an SEO agency in the digital era might be a tricky task, because of the numerous competitors, but if you are armed with knowledge and patience, you can get to the client base that you are searching for. All you have to do is believe in yourself and follow in some footsteps.

1. Define your audience

This piece of advice is primordial to the development of any business, no matter the field. More so, when you are dealing with SEO, you should know who you are talking to. Why? Because defining your audience stands at the basis of your business strategy.
In the beginning, you might be tempted to state that working for any client is best, regardless of their field. Well, it might work for a couple of months, but after that, you must begin to better define your target audience. Narrowing it down to a certain niche will not make you seem limited.
On the contrary, this will give you the chance to specialize in a certain field and develop specific knowledge. Showing clients that you have background in their niche is more than a good ice breaker, it might become the reason you land on a project. Client by client, you will position yourself as an expert in the field and in this way, contracts will start piling up at your doorstep. You can read more on the importance of creating and developing a niche in this article

How to Build a Solid SEO Client Base

2. Start with a freebie

You might argue with me, by saying that you got into business to make money, not to give your work for granted to others. I couldn’t agree more. You work to get paid, but at the beginning, you must resort to all the tools that can make you hack your way into the audience’s turf.

I am not saying that you should offer your services for free, but what you could do is give out an SEO report. In this way, you will show your potential clients that you are involved with your work and that you are not afraid to share your knowledge with them. Point out some pain points and that will already prove to the client that you are ready to address his needs and step into the realm of problem-solving.

The way you create and deliver your presentations is also important. Don’t just dot down some main ideas. Create a clear structure of every pitch and follow the steps. In this way, you will deliver an accurate, informative and helpful speech. The point is to make yourself understood (only in this way will you be able to reach your potential clients), point out the current problems and make yourself seem the Superman they have always been searching for. No matter what, you must always be open and straightforward to your potential clients. Everyone appreciates and congratulates honesty.

How to Build a Solid SEO Client Base

3. Resort to paid ads

If you are an SEO agency, advertising is no new notion for you and your team. You already have that view over how a business should look online to grow a customer base. Be sure to focus on your online presence and let no day go by without investing – both time and money – in your online presence.
I will not teach you here how to create a Social Media account, nor how to handle it. What is worth mentioning is that by posting regularly and promoting your posts to the target audience (you have already established, according to step 1), you will get leads, increase your fan base and eventually develop a community. And your community will be the pool where you will be fishing for clients. Or better yet, they will surface in time of need.

4. Do some guest contributions

Resorting to guest blogging is as important as paid ads for an SEO agency seeking more clients. It this way, you can both earn links and increase visibility. The cherry on top, you will also enhance your brand reputation.
You must be careful at how you choose your partners, so they can benefit your business by reaching potential clients and help boost your client base. If your niche is e-commerce, you should bring guest contributions on platforms like BigCommerce, Shopify or GoDaddy.

5. Participate in specialized conferences

Reading blogs and books is one thing, but participating in a conference is way better. Why? It’s simple. By reading, you just gain knowledge – and I am not saying that is bad, no way. But by participating at conferences you will have the opportunity to both gather new information and meet other people in the field. Some might become your future employees and others, your future customers. Just showing up will do the trick.
Once you gain more experience, a good idea would be to make the shift from audience to stage. Although the idea of speaking in front of a whole crowd might send shivers down your spine, I think you should stop for a second and think about the benefits.
Being a speaker at an SEO conference will position you as an expert in the field. Apart from bringing customers straight to your doorstep, this will also give you the well-deserved respect of your colleagues and competitors.

How to Build a Solid SEO Client Base


Gathering SEO clients and growing in the heart of this industry might seem a real challenge at the beginning. Nevertheless, if you take your time, you will grow into the SEO guru you always wanted to be. Step by step, you will gain more and more knowledge on the subject, and as you will start taking your head out of the shell, you will become more and more appreciated. What might have started with a freebie report will end up in becoming the best solution to all your clients’ problems.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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