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4 Tips For Successful Freelancing

5-07-2021, 10:37

If you have decided to take the plunge and leave your 9 to 5 job, you may still be figuring out how to work on your own. As a freelancer, you will be able to set your own schedule and work on your own terms. This can be intimidating, especially when you are first starting out. Luckily, you're not alone! We've compiled our top tips for freelancer to help you build a successful business.

4 Tips For Successful Freelancing

1. Create Timely Invoices

A big part of working as a freelancer is making sure you are getting paid. Without the consistent paychecks you'd get from a company, it is up to you to ensure you are being paid on time. When discussing a project with a potential client, be open about pricing and a realistic payment timeframe. Once you've both agreed on the terms, you can begin creating an invoice for the service.
If you aren't sure how to create invoice templates, there are several digital solutions that can help. One of our favorites is called Hiveage. They help you create and track invoices, send payment reminders, and more. This is especially helpful if you are working on multiple projects at once.

2. Monitor Your Business Budget

Setting a monthly budget will help you to keep your finances on track. By tracking all income and expenses, you can determine how to better run your business. This helps you spend smarter and cut down unnecessary costs. With weekly check-ins, you can make sure you are not spending more than you are earning.
Try setting a baseline budget with however much income you are sure you will be receiving. Then, allocate funds to either work projects or savings. Make sure you're not accounting for potential income, as this can lead you to spend more than you have.

3. Set Aside Funds For Taxes

When you work for an established company, a certain percentage of your paycheck is automatically taken out for tax purposes. When you're running your own business, this is not the case. You are responsible for accounting for these funds. Be sure to check the specific tax laws for your tax bracket and areas you are working in.
This said, it is a good idea to set up a separate bank account specifically to pay for taxes. We recommend setting aside 30% of your freelance income to cover your taxes. While you may not owe the full 30%, it is always better to have extra money set aside than to unexpectedly have to pay a significant amount all at once.

4. Create a Professional Website

Creating a personalized website for your business will make you more accessible to potential clients. By continually updating the site it will show up more frequently in online searches, connecting you with more clients.
A website is also a great way to show off your style and company values. It can be used as a portfolio to showcase your work and advertise positive reviews from previous clients. When building your website, be sure to provide ways that people can contact you.


If you are planning to start freelancing, there are several ways to ensure your success. Most importantly, you'll need to keep track of your finances. From creating invoices for each project to weekly budget check-ins, it is important to know what is happening in your bank account. This helps you invest on what is most important for your business and stop unnecessary spending. And by creating a professional website, you will be able to attract new clients. We hope these tips help you to start your new independent business!шаблоны для dle 11.2

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