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» » iPhone Photography: 5 Ways to Improve Your Photos

iPhone Photography: 5 Ways to Improve Your Photos

22-03-2022, 21:58

Most would argue that the iPhone camera is the best of all phone cameras. If you own one, you probably agree.
Having the iPhone technology doesn't necessarily mean you'll produce the best pictures though. You have to know how to use it to its potential.
Is it your goal to take better iPhone photos? While the camera is easy to use, learning some tips can help you elevate your picture-taking skills.
Does anyone use a real camera anymore? Most of the time, your camera is the phone in your hand. Keep reading for some practical but effective iPhone photography tips.

iPhone Photography: 5 Ways to Improve Your Photos

1. Lock Focus and Adjust Lighting

Use your viewfinder to help you focus on your subject. Hold a spot and tap once on the focus square and exposure slider. Use the sun icon if you wish to adjust lighting and exposure. Slide it upward to increase it and downward to decrease it.

2. Move Away From Chest-Height Pictures

Take better pictures by moving away from the usual angle. Shoot your pictures from a different perspective making them more creative. Do this by trying a lower angle.
A lower angle allows you to add interesting details in the foreground of your photo. If your background is mostly the blue sky in outdoor photos, your main subject will stand out.

3. Turn on Grid Lines

The grid lines help you level the horizon, center your photo, and follow the rule of thirds (dividing your picture into thirds horizontally and vertically for composition).
Turn on gridlines by going to your settings. Under the "Camera" setting, toggle to turn "Grid" on. When you use the camera, you will see grid lines on top of the frame.

4. Do Not Zoom

Instead of zooming in, take a few steps to get closer to your subject. Zooming in decreases the quality of a photo. When you move closer, you get a better quality photo and the whole backdrop. You can always crop the photo later.

5. Use Live Photo Mode

When you use live photo mode, it's almost like taking a short video. If you don't like the main photo, you can scroll through each frame and choose the one that looks best.
It's a very versatile option because you can turn a live photo into a video clip, gif, boomerang, and more.
  Did you take some live photos that you want to turn into something else? Check out this great photo editor by following this link. Begin creating impactful images, animated designs, and graphics that'll stand out on your socials and everywhere you share them.

iPhone Photography: Taking Better Photos

Now that you have learned some photo tips to improve your iPhone photography, you'll take pictures like a pro. Having this technology in your hands takes some work to master. Learn to take advantage of all the iPhone camera has to offer.
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