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Top Five Templates Related to Food Niche

6-08-2018, 01:07

Establishing an online food business is a fun thing to do. For running an online food shop, it is important to develop a good food-related website using a suitable food-related website template to appeal the customers. Running an online food business requires a lot of aesthetic details and design elements to be incorporated in the website as well as marketing of your business. People love food and food lovers love to see appetizing images of food to tantalize their taste. For instance, for developing a food website, it is important to use appealing food pictures such as lasagna on your website. This is where the need of using a good food-related website template arises. Here are some of the best food-related templates to be used in your food-related website:


Cuisinette WordPress Food Theme

Cuisinette offers you a brilliant chance to combine the sizzling vibes of sophisticated foods with the warm touch of family vibes. Featuring a delightful design, the Cuisinette is completely customizable in all its pages. Forget the hassle of programming during content creation as the Elemetor Page Builder used in Cuisinette comes loaded with a good deal of content modules for swift functioning. Cuisinette is as versatile and feature-rich as it can get. It features 4 highly elegant Layouts which help in enhancement of SEO by posting various food recipes on the site. Cuisinette allows quick orders and reservations by the clients if you use Ecwid function.


Are you a fan of sweet cupcakes and delightful pies? Patisserie can double the sweetness of your business for you because of its highly manageable features and delicate design. Perfect for running a dessert-based food business, Patisserie is loaded with vivid colors and appealing design. Speaking of widgets, you can customize them based on your preferences. The widgets offer several unique ways for displaying your perfect recipes from many angles to attract the attention of your visitors. Patisserie also offer 15 bonus images, a h7 header layout and beautiful fonts.


Alcomix Food WordPress Theme

Optimized in accordance with Google standards, the Alcomix is the perfect cocktail bar wordpress them which enables you fetch a large range of customers every weekend. The highly customizable layouts with multiple designs are perfect for enhancing the quality and sophistication of your displayed images of cocktails. The best thing about Alcomix Is its cross-browser compatibility and perfect search engine standardization which helps in enhanced SEO.


Gusto is a perfect website template which can be used to make an appealing café and restaurant themed food website. It features exceptional ecommerce functionality, the Gusto lets you introduce your projects, your recipes, recipe images, backstory and project members. Working swiftly without any reloads and any need of coding, the Gusto is a perfect food-related website template to skyrocket your business.


Equipped with over 25 content modules, the Bettaso is the most swift and minimalist designed website template for showcasing delicious websites. It has multi-device compatibility and works equally well on smartphones and laptops. Online menu, pricing tables, images, sliders and customizable layouts are all the reasons why you should get Bettaso.

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