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Why Responsive Web Design is a Must Have

30-12-2015, 18:33
1 436

Why Responsive Web Design is a Must Have

As technology advances, responsive web design becomes increasingly important. With so many people using smart phones and tablets, designers now have to consider much more than just the look and feel of a website. Each website must now be designed with much more than just desktop computers in mind; it must now consider the experience of every mobile user. Taking a look at the advantages of mobile web design makes it clear that it is imperative to the success of any website and will assist you when searching for a web designer no matter what your website needs may be.

A Superior User Experience

First, and most importantly, responsive web design provides a user experience that is far superior to basic web design. An excellent website will allow its visitors to find and retain information from any kind of device with simplicity and ease. The need to scroll or resize a page should be eliminated, thereby allowing busy individuals to quickly and easily access your website, and keep them coming back as well. Excellent content will be overlooked and your visitor will find the information they need elsewhere if your site does not provide ease of access.


The flexibility offered by responsive web design is second to none and should be considered an advantage by any website owner. A singular website managed in one place can provide content that moves fluidly across computers, tablets, smartphones, and smart televisions. The appearance retains its quality across all platforms, and the user experience is the same no matter what device the visitor may be using.

Cost Effective

A responsive design is also much more cost effective for the site owner as it eliminates the need for several sites to accommodate desktop devices, smartphones, tablets, etc. Many newcomers believe that they must have one website for those using desktop computers and one for those using mobile devices, but this is not the case, nor is it the budget-friendly option. Responsive web design allows you to maintain only one URL, website, and SEO campaign, all while directing your clients to only one website.

Responsive web design is actually recommended by Google, and if Google backs something up, any company providing web design Manchester should as well. Not only does Google name responsive web design as the most highly recommended, it has actually gone so far as to call it the best practice in the industry. This is namely because responsive web design makes Google’s indexing, crawling, and organizing much easier by maintaining the same URL and HTML rather than having two separate sites for mobile and desktop. The latter requires Google to do twice the work for two websites that are essentially the same. Google is all about optimizing user experience, and the ease and fluidity offered by a responsive web design creates a much more optimal experience for every user.

What it all boils down to is simplicity for the site owner (running one website instead of two) and a far better user experience for every site visitor. If you haven’t already contacted a web design firm, it’s definitely time to make the switch to responsive web design.

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