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» » Template Style which is best for a Website with a Recliner Niche

Template Style which is best for a Website with a Recliner Niche

12-06-2017, 12:03

Whenever someone decides to start their business online, the very first thing they ask themselves is what the niche should be. Sometimes the niche is quite obvious with regards to whatever you may be selling.

An example of such a niche is a website for recliners: be it sale, reviews on recliners or anything else. So now that you have set up your recliner niche website, the main question on your mind will probably be what sort of template style you must use for its marketing.

It’s very important to come up with an appropriate template for your niche site so the viewer gets a proper understanding of what you’re trying to show.

Template Style which is best for a Website with a Recliner Niche


The very first thing that comes to mind when we think of recliners is a feeling of rest and relaxation. The template itself should reflect that with its font and color schemes. For a relaxed looking piece, the colors should be in shades of blue, white or pink.


It is very important to be able to customize the template of your niche site when you are using it. Please note that when you do customize, your template should not be entirely different from what it started off as.

Keep changing the fonts and content placement from time to time so that visitors know that you are in touch with your website and that it hasn’t been abandoned.

Content Placement

The kind of content on your page probably includes a logo of your recliner company, a header and some images that pertain to the types of recliners you deal in. Most modern websites take the header text and place it on the exact center of the page with a button below the text that links to the next page.

The logo of the website is usually on the top left corner of the website with all the other menu options. This logo usually links to the homepage and must be visible on any page on the website and not just the homepage.

The image on the homepage of the website must not necessarily show a recliner, but it could show some relaxing scenery of clouds or a bedroom. This image must span out throughout the width of the page and without being pixelated at that.

The actual images on of the recliners that you will be dealing in must show the image and the name, price and ratings below that image, all in plain font.

Content Style

Recliners are quite straightforward and plain objects. This is why it is best to use simple, legible font. The font of the header must be large in size. The logo should also be simple and recognizable, nothing too colorful or funky. The navigation bar must contrast with the color scheme and be easy to locate. It is best to keep your words simple as well on a recliner website; supposedly clever wordings would seem out of place.

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