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5 Crucial Ways to Enhance Your Website’s Design

17-09-2018, 13:01

It takes a whole lot of effort to create and at the same time manage your own website. You have to learn a lot of things and familiarize yourself with some technical concepts in order to keep your site functional,well-designed, and optimized. This might be overwhelming for all first-timers, but once you get the hang of it, everything will be easy.

5 Crucial Ways to Enhance Your Website’s Design

Truth be told, a website won’t succeed without a compelling design. You need to choose one properly and ensure that it complements your content as well as goes with your website’s user experience. So, here are few useful tips on how you can improve your web design:

Make your homepage minimalistic

People don’t read every single word written on a website; usually, they only scan pages quickly. With this, you have to keep your homepage at a minimal and appealing to visitors’ emotions and not focus too much on word count. Once you have less text on your homepage, then more people are likely to stay on your website. Calls to action and words are necessary, but be sure to divide them with other parts of your website. You may also use icons or images to impart your point on your homepage.

Include follow and social share buttons

One of the most important things you should not forget when designing your website is to add follow and social share buttons. Include all social media platforms,such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, at the top or bottom of every blog post so people can share it directly through their own accounts. This is a great opportunity for your content to reach much wider audience and be read by more people.

Use appropriate images

Only the proper photos should be used on your website. If you are trying to share something to your audience, then make it a point that the images are suited for it. You can take real photographs or resort to some stock photos online, which you can use for free or with charge, and use them in creating a content or designing your page. Additionally, you can compress your images by half of their original size to reduce loading time.

Stay mobile-friendly

Today’s day and age,mobile phones are an essential to everyone. This is one of the reasons why you need to design a website that is mobile-friendly.Most people use their phones to browse and surf the Internet nowadays, so it is necessary to create a mobile version of your site.Test out each page, button, and user action first and guarantee that everything you see on your website is properly running.

Get found

Develop a significant online presence by building a website that can easily be found. Use effective SEO strategies to boost your website and attract many visitors by incorporating proper keywords to your content. Also,ensure that you have chosen the right domain name and web hosting for it. When you have a query about a certain site, you can simply use domain Whois lookup to know the registered owner and other basic information.

Without a doubt, a properly designed website will help you boost your own venture.Whether it is for business or personal use, a web design is truly essential for your site. It gives you a chance to improve your online presence and expand your network. Definitely, you will see a great progress and difference when you have an outstanding website design. шаблоны для dle 11.2

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