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What is the future of web development ?

2-10-2023, 22:56
1 557

In the era of rapid digital transformation, it is difficult to predict the future. Due to continuous technology shifts and changing fads, web developers and business owners face a real challenge to keep up with all of them and maintain their competitive advantage.

What is the future of web development

If you work in a web application development company or you are somehow connected to the web development industry, you should take a closer look at the trends that have hit 2020 so far and are likely to affect the future as well. As new trends require fresh solutions and approaches that should be known in order to stay competitive in the field.

More technologies and languages

In the past mastering a single programming language like Python, C++, javascript was already enough to earn a good salary in the web development industry. Nevertheless, since web development is under constant evolution, the need of disposing of a broader scope of knowledge turns out to be a huge advantage.

Recently, languages such as Python, javascript along with TypeScript seem to be on the top so they are definitely not to miss out on.

Mobile adaptability

The usage of smartphones has been on the upward trend for a few years now. Consequently, an increasing number of web page views worldwide is mobile internet traffic. It makes the need for mobile-friendly sites rather an obligation than an option.

Therefore, you should always pay close attention to the mobile adaptability of sites and web applications in order to deliver to customers the best user experience and stay competitive on the market. Otherwise, clients won't fancy using sites that lack functionalities and are difficult to navigate.


Modular design has proved recently to be more efficient than simpler web application architecture. In spite of the fact it requires less coding, enhanced app quality is well maintained, development time is improved and it is possible to create faster and more lightweight code bases.

What is more, using modularity in a web application development company, allows developers to avoid intricacies of complex applications, save up time and manage their work in a more effective way.

Single-page web applications

Single-page web applications have turned out to be a highlight of 2020 in the web application development industry as they allow to increase the quality and reduce costs along with limiting interruptions.

Single-page web applications are a great solution for creating high-quality applications adaptive to all types of devices at the same time. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that single-page web applications are javascript-based web applications so you should be familiar with javascript or TypeScript.

Progressive Web Apps

Another trend that should be paid attention to are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). They offer much more functionalities when compared to common web pages.

Progressive Web Apps dispose of enough power to transform the user experience and overall web business industry. Their main qualities are:
  • faster loading,
  • appearing higher in search engine rankings,
  • easiness of sharing,
  • being lightweight and network independent,
  • safety and cost-effectiveness.

All in all, the trends and shifts mentioned above are already affecting the future of web development and direction towards which web application development companies will move.

Some of the fads above have been already seizing the technology world for a few months now and are not about to cease any soon. What you should do now is to observe what is happening and adapt your actions accordingly.

Remember that the future is shaping now and the only way to stay competitive on the technology market is to be adaptive, open-minded and flexible in order not to stay behind.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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