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What are Crontab Jobs and How Can They Improve Your Software Processes

15-03-2021, 11:26
1 323

Managing software on your computer can get complicated. You simply do not have the time to remember every single background process that needs to be completed every day, week, or month. This is where crontab jobs come into their element. If you are not sure how to use crontab jobs, or even what a crontab job is, then read on. We've got the answers right here.

Simply put, crontab is a computer service that executes a particular job automatically at a designated time. Any automated task utilized this way is known as a crontab job. With the right crontab format editor, you can set up numerous automated processes to ease your workload. These can be customized to occur every minute or every month, depending on your personal requirements.

What are Crontab Jobs and How Can They Improve Your Software Processes

The Definition of Crontab Jobs

Crontab is short for cron table. In this context, a ‘cron’ is any time-based job scheduler used on Unix operating systems such as Linux or MacOS among others. These automated processes vary enormously between users and their applications are essentially limitless. Their most common uses related to system maintenance, site administration, and web development.

Examples of Crontab Jobs in Action

If you are still a little confused about how this all works, then take a look at the list below. We have compiled a few examples of the kinds of jobs you may want to automate, depending on the software you use.

Subscription Expiry Reminders

If you run an online business that manages subscriptions, an ideal crontab job could be the automation of expiration reminders sent via email. Not only is this a great way of staying in touch with your client base, but it can also secure continued income as subscribers are reminded to renew their package.

Informational Newsletters

Similar to the expiry reminders, sending out newsletters on the progress and current activity of your business or service can be a great way to keep clientele interested. You can arrange these automatic emails to be sent weekly or monthly, depending entirely on your preference. By letting your customers know what you have been getting up to, you keep them in the loop and may encourage brand loyalty.

Categorized Site Information

If you like to stay up to date with how many people are visiting your site on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, then the right crontab job can automate that process for you too. Instead of updating your own charts and tables every time, you can just let the program do all the work while you deal with more important things, such as site maintenance. Speaking of…

Automated Site Quality Updates

The standard of your website is the most important impression you will give potential customers. You need to know it is up and running with all features in-tact. Instead of having to perform manual reviews, you can set up a full quality report as a crontab job. This can include information on broken links or services that are no longer working as they should. These reports can be emailed to you however frequently you want them to be. You are in total control.

What Timeframes do Crontab Jobs Work To?

There are five ways you can schedule a crontab job. They are broken down into:

  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days of the month
  • Months
  • Days of the week

How precise you want to be is entirely up to you, and largely depends on the specific task you are creating. This level of flexibility is part of what makes crontab jobs so useful.

Try Crontab Jobs for Yourself

There are numerous ways you can implement useful crontab jobs, far beyond the examples we have provided here. Their efficiency and applications will differ from site to site, but their usefulness remains unchallenged.

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