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How to Rescue Your Eyes from Screen Time

19-10-2020, 11:13

How to Rescue Your Eyes from Screen Time

No matter what line of work you're in, it's likely you spend a large amount of time staring into a screen. This can seriously damage your eyes. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to minimize the impact of screen time on your eyesight.
Eye strain is uncomfortable, but if managed, you can prevent long term impairment. One of the best things you can do is get yourself the right kind of monitors for eyes. Here are a few other ways to rescue your eyes from fatigue and damage.

1. Have the Right Lighting

Lights that are too bright in a room where you work on the computer can add to eye strain. It is better to use a darker place. Think of keeping the curtains closed and doing away with fluorescent lighting if you can.
You can also install bulbs with lower voltage in the room where you work on your computer. The lighting in your office should be about half as bright as rooms that are not used for computer-assisted work.

2. Remember to Blink

Believe it or not, sometimes we get so involved in our work, we forget to blink. Dry eyes are more susceptible to damage. Blinking frequently bathes eyes in their natural lubrication liquid, keeping them refreshed and healthy.

3. Work to the 20/20/20 Rule

Our eyes are meant to take in different scenes of different proximity and depth, not to look fixedly at one thing (like your screen) for hours at a time. This means you can ease eye strain by looking away from the computer at regular intervals.
There is a nifty trick to keep your eyes healthy called the 20/20/20 Rule. Every 20 minutes, take a break by looking at something that is a minimum of 20 feet (6.1 m) away from you for at least 20 seconds. Experts also suggest that looking at something natural, especially in green hues, at intervals during the day can help to rest the eyes.

4. Minimize Blue Light

Blue light is known to cause injury to the eye, so reduce your use of blue light screens as much as possible. Nowadays, you can change the settings on phones and some computer screens to lessen the harsh blue light emanations. You can also use specialized glasses.

5. Diminish Glare

Having a glare or reflection on your screen exacerbates matters. It is more difficult for your eyes to keep adjusting to what you are focusing on. It would be best if you tried to reduce any glare on your screen. You can do so by getting an anti-glare matte screen. If you wear glasses, get non-reflective lenses.

6. Use a High-Resolution Screen

Having a high-resolution screen will help reduce eye strain as well. The smaller the pixels are, the more efficiently your eye will accept, adjust, and compute information through to the brain.
Avoid computer screens that have a lower refresh rate. Look for screens that refresh at a rate of at least 74HZ, or higher.

7. Reduce Adjustments

The more your eyes need to adjust to different documents, lighting, etc., the more strain they experience. Try to limit checking your phone when doing work on the computer. You can also use a document holder for easy eye shifts if you need to refer to printed material while working.


As you can see, it takes a combination of actions and items to keep your eyes healthy if you do a lot of computer work. Be sure to follow these guidelines to save your eyes from severe impairment later down the line.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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