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JD Responsive Premium Joomla Event Template

8-04-2021, 11:32

JD Responsive Premium Joomla Event Template

JD Event is a premium one-page conference responsive Joomla event template which is powered with Astroid Framework and Styled with JD Builder - The drag and drop Joomla page builder. The Joomla template is specially designed for those who want to create their website for upcoming events or conferences. JD Event Joomla template helps you to design your website with no time.

Responsive Premium Joomla Event Template Theme Download

By clicking to download button you agree with template4all Terms and Conditions!
And Remember that this template is licensed under CC BY 3.0. Meaning you are not allowed to remove footer credits for that you must purchase a License from Author's Website!!

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The template comes with drag and drops Joomla page builder which makes it quite easy to create and edit the website pages. So if you are not a coding geek, you will be able to customize your website at any level.

Apart from this, the template is backed with a powerful Astroid framework that lets you manage all your website settings from a single panel. You can control all the configuration settings from basic such as pre-loader, back to top, Color management, typography management to advanced such as layout builder, header management, Menu, and mega menu builder, adding custom codes, etc.

The event website template is fully compatible with the third-party extensions and comes with all the required pre-designed pages such as About us, services, service detail page, contact us page, blog, and blog inner page. The template allows you to control all the blog settings as well. It offers you 5 article types i.e. Regular, Audio, Video, Quote, and review. Apart from this, it also offers your custom badges which can be shown on the article listing view to attract more readers.

If you want to enable the comments on your articles, you can do it easily with a single click. You can integrate Facebook comments, Disqus, hyper comments, and intense debate.

Create Urgency With Countdown

People react fast when they have a fear of missing out. The JD Event Joomla template starts with a hero section which includes information about the event, date, place, and countdown timer along with a call to action button.

So with this, you can create urgency and sell more tickets for your event or conference.

Showcase Your Event Speakers to Attract More Attendees

When people register for any event, they first look at what the event is about and who the speakers are. So it is highly recommended to list all your speakers on the front page of your web page.

The JD Event Joomla template gives you the power to display speakers with the help of the team element of JD Builder.

JD Responsive Premium Joomla Event Template

Organize Event Conference Sessions, Topics

JD Responsive Premium Joomla Event Template

Dedicated Sponsors Sections with CTA

Sponsors play an important role in the success of your event. Brand sponsor any event or conference because they want to put themselves out there in front of your audience.

So to display sponsors on your event website is important. The JD Event Joomla template comes with a dedicated sponsor section with a call to action from where you can call a brand to sponsor your event.

Google Maps & Newsletter Signup

Want to display event location on your website with Google maps? We have a dedicated multi-location Google map element in JD Builder. The element lets you display physical location on your website.

And we have an advanced form builder element that lets you create any kind of form. We have created a newsletter subscription box with the form builder element. You can integrate with any of the email marketing solutions.

Powered With Astroid & JD Builder

The JD Event Joomla template is backed with the Astroid framework which gives you the full flexibility to customize your website at any level. You have multiple options for headers, color presets, and many other configurations controls such as typography, layout builder, mega menu, etc.

The template is designed with JD Builder - the next generation of Joomla page builder. With the help of JD Builder, you can design and edit your pages with just drag and drop the elements.

  • Drag and drop layout builder
  • Fully Mobile friendly layout
  • Built on Astroid Framework
  • Cross-Browser compatible
  • Lightweight and Fast Loading
  • Google Fonts & Fontawesome Support
  • Article Post Formats
  • Valid HTML5 & CSS3
  • Testimonial Showcase
  • Font Awesome 5 and lots more...

Responsive Premium Joomla Event Template Theme Download

By clicking to download button you agree with template4all Terms and Conditions!
And Remember that this template is licensed under CC BY 3.0. Meaning you are not allowed to remove footer credits for that you must purchase a License from Author's Website!!

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