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SB Rank – What Exactly Does This Stand For?

17-11-2019, 13:47
1 747

SB Rank – What Exactly Does This Stand For

Immediately PageRank fell apart, website owners and SEO specialists found it very difficult to evaluate their sites. In the actual sense, PR is still in existence and works as usual but is not displayed. One of the nagging questions was "How can one attain related sites with the required Google rankings to facilitate link building?” The solution can be found here: link



In the stead of PR, SB Rank comes in as the best alternative way of evaluating your website. Deriving its name from the free backlink checker device and SEO software, ScanBackLinks, was developed during that time when PR was still in use and the aim was to compare the two systems of website evaluation. Looking at the results, 90% cases of SB Rank were found to be similar to PR. In this case, SB is regarded as a perfect alternative to Google PR. Besides, it is hard to manipulate SB Rank results as it was with PR.


Benefits of SB –Rank


SB – Ranks comes with a number of benefits including:

·Unlike the defunct PR, it is difficult to develop counterfeit SB Rank

·It is an enhanced Google PR formula

·While Google updated its PR after every 4 months, SB –Rank is regularly updated.

·The results are based on 2 steadfast pointers namely, PA and DA

·Offers the actual assessment of the page with high DA, but low PA

·The incorporated DA and PA exempts you from manually finding their values

How to calculate SB Rank


SB Rank is analysed basing on 2 indexes – Domain Authority and Page Authority. Below is the standard formula to help you get started.

SB Rank = (PA+DA/5)/(10) for Alexa Top 100 excluded domains. In the event that the page is included in the Alexa Top 100, SB Ranks is equivalent to PA of that page.

Why divide DA by 5?


There those sites with quite a higher DA index. This index is likely to alter the actual worth of the page. For example, BlogSpot domain commands as high as DA100; but, the page could be empty with no actual value. In this case, if you want to find the SB Rank of the page, you will need to use only 20% of the websites DA index and that explains why it is divided by 5.



To calculate SB Rank for a page with PA50 and DA80, here is how to go about it. Take 50+80/5 which gives you 66. In order to find a number ranging from 0-10, the result is then divided by 10 leaving you with 6.6. Now you will need to round off the results (6.6) to the nearest 10 which should leave you with 7. Hence, the SB Rank of the page is 7. In case the number after the decimal is less than 5, e.g. 6.4, then the final answer will be 6.


Choosing pages using SB Rank

Times when website owners found themselves being overcharged for finding pages that were incorrectly evaluated are long gone. This wrong evaluation is mostly attributed to the fact that Google PR was not regularly updated. However, with the much improved SB Rank system, you are assured of finding the correct value for your money.

Above all, the system enables you to save time since it is faster and effective and there is no way you can go wrong with the results. You can easily pick the right pages for your backlinks. Besides, this is a surest way of successful improving your Rankings on Google since you will be in possession of a great profile buying only those backlinks with the right Rank.

Bottom Line: Getting the right value for your site is quite important. In this case, you need a reliable tool to ensure that whatever backlinks you have are actually related to your site. In order to find out how SB Rank can help click here:


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