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» » Criteria to help you choose your website template design

Criteria to help you choose your website template design

30-05-2017, 13:54

Choosing a suitable web design is not an easy task. It may prove to be daunting with so many options available on the Internet. More the website templates you will search over, more confusion it may create.

However, this is a pretty common feeling. But choosing the right template to design your website can be fun as well. Many website builders offer wide variety of designs to choose from and some may even charge you for that. It can be overwhelming if you are not experienced in this matter.

Criteria to help you choose your website template design

This process can be simplified by going over the criteria discussed below. You should ask yourself these relevant questions to get the most out of your template design. Here are some key points.

1.Content width

Content width is the first thing to take into account before choosing your website template design. Full-width content area proves to be good for creative designs. For traditional business-oriented designs you must go for boxed-width content area.

These two are the broad categories available. Full width is basically when the image is fully stretched widely on your computer screen. On the other hand, boxed width is when your content has a perceptible frame to right and left side of the screen.

Choose content width according to nature of your website. Each one will work differently according to distinctive characteristics of your website so make your decision wisely.

2. Header design

This is beyond aspects of design and is more of a strategic decision. It totally depends on the type of website you are operating. Each and every website has some sort of header design. This is basically the section on top of your home page which will be the first thing witnessed by your visitors.

These headers can contain visuals, textual, slideshows and even videos. However, don’t go for flashy designs absolutely. Don’t just go for the first design you see on the Internet. You need to make decision keeping in mind objectives of your business. Select homepage header that ultimately helps your business. A careful design will communicate your message to the visitors and will impose a good impression on your audience.

Your header section needs to create awareness and give visitors insights into your business. It will help them identify who you are. This is why different types of headers work for different websites. You can visit and have an idea of how it works.

3. Menu bar design

Menu bar have a high impact on the perception of your visitors. This element of website is often undermined. Menu bar design includes types of menu bars, position and layouts. It is important to choose which complements your business needs.

Menu is the main tool that visitors will use for navigation on your website. This is why it is crucially important to go for the most suitable and best one. Make sure each and everything on menu bar is in order like logo positioning.

These three elements are of immense importance when it comes to website templates.

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