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5 things to consider when choosing a yoga-related online theme

12-11-2023, 15:20
1 014

Yoga has now become a global phenomenon, with more and more people pursuing an active lifestyle. Yoga is not just a form of exercise but a culture in itself. Now more people have access to such pleasurable routines which can make you happy and healthy. All you need is the right kit like a perfect yoga knee pads, mat, gloves, etc.

5 things to consider when choosing a yoga-related online theme

With a rise in yoga studios, competition is on rise as well. How do they compete with the rest of the world? The simplest answer is marketing. Marketing is the key to attract new customers through different means. And in this modern era, it is crucially important to make a new website. You can attract thousands of different customers through yoga-related websites and sure your studio is a hit.

Nevertheless, one thing must be taken into account. Not all yoga-websites are a success. You need to design and develop it in a way to make sure it runs smoothly and successfully. Here are 5 main factors one must take into account when choosing a yoga-related online theme:

1.Is theme appropriate for yoga content?

Not all themes are made for yoga content. The type of content you put on your website mainly determines your decision. In case you want to demonstrate your yoga-portfolio, choose a theme that has large images and great gallery options. A theme that is supposed to be used by merchants will not help you apparently since it is maid for e-commerce purposes.

2.User experience

Your website will experience a lot of yogi-customers if your yoga classes are and actual hit. In the end, it doesn’t matter how good your theme looks if it makes it difficult for the user to navigate your website. Consider things like navigation, search function and font size to make it a pleasant experience for the customer. A slow website will navigate the visitors away even before the page loads.

3.Theme and brand image

Your theme must match your brand image. Since your brand is all about yoga, the first impression visitor must get should be all about yoga. Your website is a direct representation of your website. There are a number of WordPress themes for yoga studios like Aqua, Javelin and Divi that can be used for this specific purpose.

4.Theme update

Whether you are running a yoga-related website or something else, it is necessary to consider its regular maintenance. Only this way it will function in an optimal manner. You don’t want yogis to run away from your website. Make sure your themes offer sufficient support in case something wrong turns out.


Having a responsive theme is absolutely essential for all the yoga-websites out there. People performing yoga expect the website to be speedy and responsive so they can book their appointments and carry out other activities as soon as possible on the website. Now more people are relying on phones and tablets for Internet browsing. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly as well.


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