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» » 10 Ways to Optimize Your Template Site for SEO

10 Ways to Optimize Your Template Site for SEO

29-09-2022, 20:54

This is the golden age of website building. New entrepreneurs and amateur bloggers have access to an incredibly diverse suite of tools meant to help them build new websites from scratch—and make sure they get found. Accordingly, most website builders and templates these days are designed with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind.
However, starting with an SEO-friendly design doesn’t mean your site is automatically going to rank visibly for the keywords and phrases most relevant to your brand. In fact, if you don’t do anything extra with your website, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever see the search rankings you hope for.

10 Strategies for Optimizing a Template-Based Website for Search

So what steps should you be taking to optimize your template site for SEO on an ongoing basis?

High-Level Strategies
First, consider following these high-level approaches:

1. Work with an agency. The simplest approach is to work with an SEO agency, which will provide you with more resources and more expertise than you could generate on your own. They tend to be costlier than doing the work yourself, but are typically worth the money. If you have the budget for it, it should be your top consideration.
2. Devise a campaign strategy. If you’re going to go it alone, you’ll need to start by devising a high-level campaign strategy. What are your goals? Do you want to reach the top rankings for niche-specific keywords related to your brand? Or would you be content with reaching a reasonable ranking for much more generic, high-volume keyword terms?
3. Do keyword research. Speaking of keywords, you’ll need to do some keyword research. Ideally, your strategy will focus on optimizing your site for keywords that are high in volume (i.e., search traffic) while also being low in competition. This isn’t always straightforward or possible, depending on your budget and how much competition you face.

Onsite Optimization

Once you have some preliminary information on your strategic approach, you can start optimizing your pages directly:
4. Write strong meta titles and descriptions. If you want your individual pages to have a chance at ranking, you’ll need to make sure they have titles and descriptions optimized for your target keywords. These determine how your pages look in search engines, and help Google “understand” what your page is about.
5. Flesh out the content on your core pages. You’ll also need to spend time fleshing out the core pages of your site with ample content. Not only does this make your pages seem more authoritative and substantive, it also gives you an additional chance to include long-tail keyword phrases to contextualize your site.
6. Come up with a page and linking structure that works. Well-optimized sites have an intuitive page structure, with internal links that connect all their pages together. Ideally, a visitor will never be more than two or three clicks away from any other page on your site.
7. Build a blog and continue adding new pages. It’s impossible to succeed in SEO without the anchor of a strong content marketing strategy. By the time you launch your site formally, you should have several high-quality blog posts written. After it goes live, you should make sure to have at least one new blog post written every week, optimized for your target keywords.
8. Consider optimizing for technical factors. Technical SEO gets a little more complicated, but it’s important to address if you’re trying to achieve ranking dominance. Your website template will likely have much of the technical side covered, but you can get added benefits by improving your site’s mobile experience, improving site speed, and adding structured markups.

Offsite Optimization

Then, you’ll need to work to optimize your site using offsite resources and channels:
9. Publish great content pointing to your site. You need links pointing to your site if you’re going to build its domain and page-level authority. The best way to do that without getting penalized is to write high-quality content for authoritative offsite publishers, and include a link citing a great example of content on your own page.
10. Support your onsite content on social media. You can also earn links naturally by writing amazing content that people want to cite on their own. However, you’ll need to take extra steps to popularize that content, or people will never see it. Social media is one of the best channels for this kind of distribution.
Starting with a template-based website builder that’s SEO-friendly is a good foundation for an SEO strategy, but it’s not going to make your site rank all on its own. If you’re interested in getting new traffic and brand visibility through search engines, you’ll have to put in the extra work on your own or work with an agency to accomplish these tasks.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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