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How to Best Layout Your Business Website

12-09-2019, 12:15

If you're a business owner who’s just starting out, you want to get your website set up as soon as you can. With today’s reliance on the internet, it’s vital to your company’s success to have a functioning and user-friendly online resource. Your site will help you generate more clients by making people aware you exist, explaining what your services are, and creating a connection between you and your audience. The following are ways to layout your website to appeal to your audience and beyond.

How to Best Layout Your Business Website

Utilize Negative Space

When building your website, you may have the urge to fill every inch of it with anything and everything. Fight off this urge. A huge part of making your business attractive to potential customers is the strategical use of negative space.
While this means leaving a white space between your images and paragraphs in the simplest terms, it also can be utilized to do more. With the right techniques, you can use negative space to drive your visitors to your call to action. The best example of this use of negative space is the Google homepage which makes it clear what users are expected to do.

Realize that Colors Matter

The majority of consumers are affected by the colors on the page when it comes to their buying decisions. The psychology of colors should be taken into account when you develop your digital marketing strategies, particularly when it comes to your site layout.
Research and test out color schemes that you feel will appeal to your audience. You want to use colors that will provoke specific emotions that will convert visitors into clients.
Utilize the color wheel when you’re searching for complementary colors and analogous colors to find a color scheme that works. Colors will give your site depth and make more interesting to internet users who stumble upon it.

Format Persuasive Copy Properly

As you're figuring out the design of your business’s website, you don’t want to neglect the web copy. While you may want to leave the actual content to a professional copywriter, you should plan on how you want to format your copy. Where you place your written content will help you achieve maximum conversion.
When formatting your copy, be sure to place your headlines center-stage so that you can communicate your company’s value proposition. Make sure each page’s headline properly shows what the rest of the page’s content is going to be.
Research into website layout shows that placing your text into an “F” formation works best. Plus, it seems to be the way that users read content online. If you have an abundance of text, spread out your content into small boxes so that readers can skim.

Be Clear About Outcome

A site layout that aims to be highly-converting focuses on the actions you want your internet users to take. It should lead your visitors through the process of purchasing your products and/or services. A big way to inadvertently lead your potential clients to where you want is by strategically place your calls-to-action in obvious places on the page. You can also easily guide your clients through the use of tools such as those offered by, helping you get a step ahead of the competition.

Think Simple

Your website is a huge asset to your business, and you don’t want to neglect it. That being said, you don’t want to overthink your site and make it too busy. Plus, having too much on your pages can cause your uptime to take longer. The longer it takes for your website to load costs your business more customers than you’d realize. Keep your site simple, and you’ll experience the success you crave for your up and coming company.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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