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Why Your Business Needs Log Management

14-03-2020, 12:45

Why Your Business Needs Log Management

When most website owners think of log management, they don't necessarily consider how beneficial this type of service can be for their overall success. As a webpage or domain owner, certain events occur throughout the day that can alert you of script errors, security threats and even employee activity. Without a professional log management software, you're left in the dark when it comes to what's happening across your server. Using this tool is easy, quick and can provide you with useful information when it comes to making more informed decisions.

Detect and Eradicate Errors

Script and application errors can happen at virtually any time. Even if a script was installed properly initially, it can still experience issues and errors from time to time. Fortunately, log management tracks these errors so that you can both identify them and work on repairing them. Most visitors and customers will not report a script error, leaving the owner of the site to find it themselves.

Identify Threats and Security Issues

Security breaches are more common now than ever before. No website is safe from a security breach, but there are certain things you can do in order to protect yourself and your clientele. One way to accomplish this is through log management. Collecting data that is specific to unusual activity can help in identifying possible hacking. Likewise, by repairing script errors, you're less likely to experience a security threat from hackers who are able to manipulate coding through an application problem.

Find and Prevent Downtime Problems

When a server goes down, you're losing money every single minute that your site is no longer able to be accessed. Log management helps to prevent downtime by keeping scripts and applications running properly. Downtime can be caused by issues like overload, failed software updates and poorly deployed patches. Preventing these problems from happening can keep the site running efficiently each day.

Track Employee Activity

One clever feature that can be used when implementing log management is the ability to track employee activity. If you have an office where employees are all able to use the same server and system, you get to see what they're doing and how efficiently they're working throughout the day. In some cases, you can gain information pertaining to a worker gaining access to client information and accounts through this logged data.

Pinpoint Precise Events

It's important to know when and if things are occurring across your website. Log files give you access to this data so that you are more prepared for what to expect and how to handle certain situations. When you're made more aware of these events, you're better equipped to know what to do. Likewise, the service you're using helps to keep all files organized for easier, quicker access. This means you can access the information regardless of which computer or device you're using, and you can search through logs that have been collected over the past day, week, month or year to find vital data pertaining to the overall functioning of your website.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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