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The Top 4 Google Ranking Factors

2-11-2020, 17:11

Google uses more than 200 factors to determine where a page should rank in specific search results. The bulk of this list will tick off almost automatically, while some elements will require special attention from the webmaster. To get your SEO right without overburdening yourself, you need to understand the factors that carry the most weight and how to use them to your advantage. We did our research, and these six elements make our top Google ranking factors for 2020:

The Top 4 Google Ranking Factors

  1. Content quality

Content quality wasn’t very relevant two decades ago; the Google algorithm only cared about direct and obvious factors such as keyword density, page load speeds, and inbound links. While the algorithm hasn’t evolved to read and make sense of content, Google has learned to use user behavior to determine the quality of a page’s content. The search engine monitors factors such as the amount of traffic on your site, the length of your content, and the amount of time users spend on your site before leaving.

  1. Backlinks

You are at a disadvantage if you don’t know how to get backlinks in 2021. Your backlink strategy can single-handedly take you from the bottom of the pool and place you on the first results page, even if you don’t pay much attention to the other SEO factors. This is because Google focuses on content quality, and reckons people can’t link to pages that don’t offer value to their readers.
With that being said, it is not just the number of backlinks to your website that will dictate your ranking. Search engines use quality too, so ensure you find a good balance of quantity and quality when formulating your backlink strategy.

  1. User experience

User experience and usability cannot be ignored in SEO. Non-friendly websites, according to search engine algorithms, are those that are relatively difficult to use and navigate or pose a data security threat to the user. Google monitors factors such as bounce rate, page speeds, mobile optimization, and HTTPS implementation to determine usability. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile use, doesn’t retain visitors for long, loads slowly, or lacks SSL and HTTPS protection, Google will deem it unfriendly and penalize it.

  1. On-page optimization

On-page optimization, which entails some of the oldest SEO components, has a very close association with user experience. It involves elements such as metadata, internal link structure, and schema. Metadata is the information on your website that only web crawlers such as Bing and Google can see. Some information no longer impacts SEO, but meta descriptions are still vital, so make sure to optimize yours. With regards to internal linking, the point is to ensure you improve navigation within your site without causing confusion.


Search engine optimization is a concept that will only get more sophisticated with time. Knowing what affects your ranking can help you prioritize the right elements and make proper adjustments as Google changes its algorithm. Use the above tips to increase your domain authority and better the usability of your website.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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