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Hiring A Social Media Manager: Top Things You Must Know

27-07-2021, 23:21

Hiring A Social Media Manager: Top  Things You Must Know

The concept of hiring the right social media manager is not something new. Probably, you have heard it for long - since social media channels became vital for businesses.

What you could consider a decade ago hiring a social media marketer may not apply today. This is because things have significantly changed.

An average business will spend hours managing its social media marketing because the cost of ads is rising. That's why you may need to hire a social media manager who is qualified and experienced.

That said, your business should figure out how you can hire a suitable candidate. This is because even your competitors are using these channels to beat you. Having the right candidate will help inutilizing social media platforms more effectively. For instance, pros know about third party social media platforms and their benefits. Even if you are marketing on a non-traditional marketing social media such as SoundCloud, gaining engagements in the form of SoundCloud plays for instance, won’t be a problem.

Here is a guide on finding the right social media manager.

Let's get started:

Consider Your Goals 

This may seem something common. However, you will need a concrete goal to minimize struggle with your social media marketing.

The first thing is to sort out your priorities, particularly where money is involved. Depending on your goals, you can quickly achieve what you want. For example:

  • You may be looking to get a fatter follower count
  • Looking to get a Facebook ad Wizard 
  • Look for an individual who wrangles your customer service concerns. 

Detailed Social Media Manager Description 

In a business, you don't have to say if this is the right goal or not. That's because each business is different. However, you need to out right set your goals and get your social media manager hiring process to the correct start.

The other reason to set your goals is that you may realize that hiring a social media manager isn't a solution. So, if your goal is to foster and build a community, you may need to hire a community manager.

Define Your Expectations 

The other thing that could help you when hiring a social media manager is to define your expectations. This will help you to attract the right qualified candidates.

You can't make the mistake of handing over your social media accounts to anyone without a mission. That will be a recipe for disaster because the role of a social media manager should be diverse.

This point is important when it comes to your goals as well. If we go back to our example earlier. You can not expect your employee, no matter how professional, to get you millions of SoundCloud plays a tonce. You can’t be disappointed at them if they can’t do it and think of them as incompentent.

Customer Service Chops 

Most of your social media presence can be auto pilot. But not the same case the customer care. The public relies on speedy services and seeks customer care from social media. If you have an individual that can answer your clients' queries on social media in real-time will bea game-changer. This may seem cheesy, but you shouldn't neglect professional skills.

Understanding Your Brand's Voice 

A good and competent social media manager should understand your brand's voice. This will make his or her role much easier. You need to outline this to the candidate you want to hire.

Your company could be playing the role of either a "Suit and tie" or a joker. Regardless of which role, the social media manager should adopt an appropriate voice depending on your brand. When your outline your values, beliefs, and voice, it will keep your candidate from sounding like a robot. That may even turn your followers off.

Number of Social Media to Take Responsibility 

The other vital thing to consider is the number of social media channels you intend to use. Remember that, because a candidate understands Facebook, he or she will give you success on Instagram.

Perhaps you're juggling multiple social media accounts; then you need to hire a social media manager who is comfortable with your user accounts. This is because each social media account will represent its leg work - and it will require unique content, customer care, and captions.

Understanding Analytics and Third-party Platforms

You need an individual who understands the benefits of analytics. Such an individual is a game-changer. This is because third-party platforms are vital to social media marketing. The best thing is when you don't have to worry about social monitoring tools.

The ideal candidate for a social media marketing manager is one who understands effective social media management tactics. The candidate, therefore, has to post on data-driven results and avoid posting emojis and Buzzfeed quizzes all day. You can find such candidates through your network of freelance platforms. шаблоны для dle 11.2

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