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SeedingUp | Digital Content Marketing

Considering Starting A Website? Here Are Your Options
16-01-2017, 10:35
It seems that lots of people want to have their own web presence these days. Of course it’s still primarily businesses or those who want to share their interests who take the leap into becoming a webmaster but even individuals are wanting to branch out and create their own little place on the web
What is Web Hosting and why do I need it?
11-01-2017, 17:25
1 035
If you’re not sure what the purpose of a web host is, or maybe you’ve never even heard of web hosting, then you may mistakenly think that it doesn’t affect you, as you will never need one. It is an easy misconception to make by people who are less tech savvy but if you own a business and are
Why it's important to capture email leads on your blog
9-01-2017, 12:40
You spend time writing a high quality, informative blog for your business. People read it and they find it useful; but do they come back? Although providing high quality content is always vital when it comes to creating blog posts, it does not guarantee that people will continue visiting your blog
Some Important Tips to Consider Before Starting an Online Store
9-01-2017, 11:31
1 162
Starting an online store is one of the easiest ways to make money on the Internet. It can also be one of the most cost efficient ways to start a business. However, not everyone experiences the same level of success. While one person can turn a small business into a multi-million-dollar-a-year
Enhance Your Photos in Few Clicks
16-12-2016, 18:26
You probably have had times when you looked at your digital photos and told yourself, "This one is nice! But it can be even better if I tune it a bit." Our eyes see the world in much more vivid detail than a camera can reproduce. Cameras simply capture an image in pixels, yet the true beauty of the
5 Mistakes You’re Making on Your Real Estate Website
16-12-2016, 12:21
1 063
If you’ve created a real estate website for your agency, chances are, you’ve heard the statistics that say how a real estate site significantly increases your chances of selling properties and growing your clientele....
5 Responsive CSS3 HTML5 Contact Forms
1-12-2016, 14:54
2 535
Now day, the customers are always connected to them mobile and your website have to be 100% responsive. The contact form is the main communication tool you have on your website, it's collect customers feedback, support questions and so many other types of communication we can have on our websites
Own a printing business? Here’s how to thrive in the digital age
1-12-2016, 12:40
1 242
The dawn of digital age has transformed normal printing services to digital impressions of their former self. If you own a printing business and hopes to survive in this ever-evolving digital landscape, you need to adapt – and do it FAST. Here’s what happened to the printing industry in the last
Online Resources To Learn How To Capture Video On PC
17-11-2016, 12:08
1 245
If you want to capture video on PC, then you need to learn the method so that you can do it easily. There are help tutorials which provide step to step guidance on this. Whether it is a TV show, or whether it is some streaming video on the You Tube or it is some other video, you can capture any
How to generate income from your blog
15-11-2016, 20:13
1 240
If you have your own blog and it isn’t paying off, or if you are planning to start a blog and make money out of it, well, after reading this, you will be on the right path to becoming a successful blogger and probably earn a living out of it....