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» » Flash Games Online Wordpress Theme

Flash Games Online Wordpress Theme

29-01-2011, 18:00
12 099


Free Flash Games Online Board Wordpress Theme Template, High Quality Design, One Of The Best Free Wordpress Themes Suitable for Flash Games Online Blogs, Come With 2 Columns , Widget Ready, Fixed Width, Rounded Corners, Blue and Red Colours, Adsense Ready, Compatible with major browsers: MSIE, Opera, Firefox, Safari, etc, Tabbed Top Header Menu, Gravatar-Ready, Take control of the theme using Theme Options at Admin Panel, Theme Has a Custom Page Navigation Function. If you are Using The Wp-Pagenavi Plugin, Deactivate it Before Using This Theme. If You Forgot to Deactivate it and Activated The Theme, You May Have a Blank Page. If you Get This Error: Delete The Functions.php in Theme Folder and Deactivate The Wp-Pagenavi Plugin, Then Upload The Functions.php in Theme Folder Again, This work Made By and under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License, This means you may use it and make any changes you like, However, credit links must remain on footer for legal use, Please Chgeck the Readme.html File, this Theme Was Tested on The Latest Wordpress Version Also, Please Share This Article if You like it.

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